The older children become, the bigger their problems appear to grow. No one said being a parent was going to be simple, but you can avoid some issues by planning ahead. Since you’re already aware of what to expect from the new school year, you have a chance to prepare for it. Take inventory of the things your child needs for school to see which items need to be replaced or repaired. Try to keep all your child’s school stuff in one place and teach them to do the same. Separating school things from home things saves time and energy looking for particular items.

How to involve your child in school preparation

Many parents assume that their child is going to make a mess of things and increase their workload, so they don’t ask their child to assist in preparing for school. Take this opportunity to teach your child greater responsibility and discipline. Every kid wants to hear that they’re doing well and ready to handle “big” stuff. Have your child tackle the inventory process, determining what should go and what should stay in their school bag. Ask them to tell you which school supplies you’ll have to buy from the store and announce that they’ll be your assistant during that shopping trip.

Children change their minds all the time and their favorite foods rarely remain the same from one year to the next. Most kids are excited about the idea of visiting the grocery store, so take them along with a list they helped you make for stocking up on lunch food. They can help you locate different food products in the store and learn more discipline during grocery shopping. Once you reach home, tell them what goes where so they can get used to putting away the grocery too. Maintaining a lunch area in your cabinet and having your kid pack their lunch daily with you can save your time.

Does a checklist help forgetful children stay on track?

No matter how hard you try, weekday mornings are bound to be chaotic for parents having school going children. Sometimes even parents can forget things at home, so maybe everyone could benefit from a checklist. While you can keep your checklist on your smartphone, your kid needs a larger more visible one. You can try putting up a checklist on a small board on your wall or the door of your child’s room. Instruct them to read it on their own and check for each item in their bag before they leave for school. You can supervise them for a few days and then let them check things independently.

The school checklist doesn’t have to be complicated and you may add small images next to each item to make the process more efficient. Your child could create and illustrate the checklist on their own, allowing them to remember things better. Homework, gym clothes, lunchbox, water bottle, and shoes are important items to add to your checklist. Checklists can also be made for the whole week to include days where your child has gym class, requiring a different pair of shoes and clothing. If your child needs to take medication, such reminders can also be added to the checklist.

Tried and tested hacks for a happier school year

Every child is different, so there’s no guarantee that what works for one child will work for others. The life of a parent is all about trying new things in the hopes that the next thing will receive a positive response from their child. Life doesn’t come with a manual, but you can test out these hacks to see what work for your family.

1. Colorful schedules for kids

Most children love color and wish to add colors to every surface they lay their eyes on, meaning you find yourself cleaning scribbles off of walls, doors, and cabinets at times. Exploit your child’s attachment to color by steering it towards a schedule they can decorate as they please. Keep it simple with illustrations to avoid your child viewing it as a boring adult thing forced on them. Each child can have individual schedules with their names for identification. Try custom stickers from Amlion at 15% off having their names and preferred design on them.

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2. Personalized homework station

Arrange an attractive spot in your kid’s bedroom where they can do their homework without any disturbance. Make a big deal out of designing this space according to your child’s liking, so they’ll be more inclined to work there. A small wall board with their art work and to-do list will make that space more cheerful and welcoming to your child. Light up dark homework corners with a customized décor light in the shape of the alphabet their name starts with while enjoying 10% off storewide on Amlion.

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3. Build-a-lunch factory

When your child gets into a habit of helping you put away groceries, they’ll become familiar with the place where you stock their lunch food. It might be a good idea to store their water bottle and lunch box in the same place to avoid misplacing them. If you’re mostly giving them juice boxes, bottles, and packets of snacks, your child can assist you in packing lunch. You can even ask them to pack their lunch the night before to save time. Stick on waterproof labels on their water bottle and lunchbox from Label Your Stuff to prevent them from getting lost. Enjoy 10% off sitewide when you buy personalized labels from their store.

4. Organize kids’ belongings

One of the biggest problems that parents face is their child losing the things they bought them. Putting labels on everything can prevent you from rummaging through lost and found sections. Label Your Stuff provides all kinds of labels for children’s bags, clothing, shoes, and more. Enjoy 10% off on orders $25 and above from Label Your Stuff, which also has labels for adults. Children can lose things at home, school, dance studios, and theme parks. Sometimes siblings get confused over who owns what and fight over things. You can avoid such tiring situations by labeling your children’s belongings correctly.

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5. Budget birthday party

Once a year, you’ll be celebrating your child’s birthday party and inviting their friends over. As much as you’d like to spoil your child on their birthday, you’ll have to stick to your budget. Every child has something that want more than others, like a themed cake or specific present. You can spend more money on your child’s priority item and less on other things like decorations. Save 25% off sitewide, including birthday décor and birthday favors for kids’ parties at Beau-Coup. Who doesn’t love candy? Get 15% off storewide while browsing their personalized gummy bear and candy bags.

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Try these parenting hacks to get you through tough school days, summer camp, birthdays, and even family trips this year. If a hack works out for you, share it with other parents to ease their worries.

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